Child Abuse
Difficult to talk about. Ugly to think about. Impossible to imagine.
But it is happening. It happens everyday. And it's happening here, in our community.
We need to do better
The impacts of child abuse are devastating and long lasting. These impacts lie at the root of so many issues impacting our community every day.
Mental Health, Addiction, Homelessness, when you peel back the layers, when you dig deep enough, so often, there it is... Child Abuse.
1 in 3 children in Canada suffer trauma related to forms of abuse.
People who have been abused are...
30% less likely to graduate high school
3-4 more likely to have mental health and addiction issues
26 times more likely to experience homelessness
45 times more likely to perpetrate dating violence as adolescents

Every community has a responsibility to give the gift of a Child Advocacy Centre to the vulnerable children of their community.
Barb Spencer, Former CEO
Zebra Child Protection Centre