Where it all began.
The idea of a Child & Youth Advocacy Centre is not a new one. These centres exist across North America and the globe and have been evolving as the best practice in the protection of children since the early 1980s. The original concept for these child-centric environments was emerged from the idea that when a child is brave enough to come forward, we owe it to them to respond in a way that puts their needs first. Developing spaces that felt warm, safe, and comfortable to interview these brave little ones was just the beginning. Since then, CYACs have evolved into holistic wrap-around environments that serve to deliver a coordinated and multi-disciplinary response dedicated to creating better outcomes for children impacted by abuse and their families.
Bringing a Child & Youth Advocacy Centre to Kelowna
A project of this magnitude takes years to fully realize. It requires the commitment of an entire community, hundreds of supporters, thousands of tireless volunteer hours, and a great big vision for change. There is no finish line to this work, but our history gave us the place to begin.
Thank You To Our Capital Donors

Our deepest gratitude to the entire community who heard the call and rallied to ensure this Centre would come to life in Kelowna.
Special thanks to:
Al and Cory Hildebrandt of the Kelowna Foundation for Hope and Social Innovation for their time and leadership.
The initial project Board of Directors: Ron Cannon, Al Hildebrandt, Chuck LaFleche, Tom Mauro for their dedication to seeing it done.
Learn more about the leadership role Kelowna Foundation took in spearheading this project.
Learn More

TD Benefits
Donated $7,000
TD Benefits
Tom and Lyndon of TD Benefits have been big supporters of the Child Advocacy Centre from the very beginning and we could not be more grateful. Their recent, generous donation to the CAC, marks just one further step in their commitment to providing help for the most vulnerable children in our community and heling create a better community.

Voyager RV
Donated $14,385
Voyager RV
What would you do to celebrate 35 years in business? If you are Voyager RV, you celebrate by making sure the community thrives for the next 35 years! Voyager spent their milestone year raising more than $100,000 for local charities. The Child Advocacy Centre was one of the Charities the Voyager team selected and we received $14,000 from their commitment and the hard work of their team. You are amazing Voyager RV!

Michaela and Nathanial Prior
Kids Supporting Kids!
Michaela and Nathanial Prior
Nathanial and Michaela Prior are some very special kids to the CAC! For the past two years they have both made the decision to donate their birthday money to the work that we do to protect children. We are always so inspired by kids who support each other. Thank you, Nathanial and Michaela. We are proud to know you and we are grateful for you!

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
~ Helen Keller